Why do we play games with the gift of god because we have created structures? Open spaces, open minds, open hearts in a lovingly coordinated fashion is what’s at stake. Things happen behind the scenes not always known to man, but can be known with love and light. Our path is right in front of us, but until someone truly opens their heart, the path is not exposed or even chosen. Sometimes paths are laid out for you to choose and then things align themselves after the selection.
There are no opposites only truth and truth is the way. Truth allows freedom of heart and mind and unlocks all creativity. We cannot hide our baggage or wounds. Pain is a deep seated urgency of thoughts to let go. There are those with very strong personalities like erect pillars of hard cement with no feelings, but they are porous and things seep in even if they are not aware. Keeping lines in the sand of a relationship has no meaning. We must carry all that we are all the time into all situations.
We continue to destroy the beauty of life, with much pain we will find there will be nothing more to look at. At this point, all we will have is ourselves to rebuild, where we will then find beauty all over again. It’s a continuous cycle until everything is cleaned up. All the energy must be reconciled. As love and goodness are created, negative action and despair is also growing. One must overtake the other then the cycle is complete. Then out of discord and disharmony - does the light shine through to build back a clean beautiful planet. We are stuck in neutral now, there are powers trying to prevent the collapse – it is crucial to always remember the power of your vibrational thought and actions. That is why we must purify our souls, release the pent up negative energy that rots the body and our world.
We can’t waste time talking about things that don’t matter or untrue, we don’t have much time. We must reach all that we can and use our energy wisely. We really have no idea how short our time is here on earth. If we did we’d all be so much more active in our pursuit of saving and holding onto our dreams. We need to focus on the blue, not the clouds, that’s the secret. Everything has its purpose, but don’t forget the good stuff is happening in the moment if we are vibrating in the right signal.
We have free will to experience what we want on earth, so we have all the emotions to work with, so that we understand the challenge. We came here with good intentions, but it is such a blow to the environment when we are born that it is somewhat shocking. There are a million or more possibilities for us here and we face to take whatever path we want. It takes what seems a long time to connect back to the source and find our way home. We come to earth to make things better – that’s why everyone we meet is an angel – they asked to come. What we didn’t ask for was all the negativity presented to us along with discouragement and lack of encouragement. One kind word can often shock someone out of their dismal life, and into a path of nurturing and love. It’s like jumping into anything else no one knows what it’s like to be someone else. No one knows what someone is going through at any moment. All you can do is control your own vibration and attract what you need to survive which in turn puts the world in a better place. There is really no sense in ever discussing people and their thoughts and ways, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter and makes your world stand still. Just feel how others are feeling, that’s all we need to do. It’s true that like attracts like and we should prepare ourselves to move forward.