It takes energy to feel our way through life. That’s why we shouldn’t focus on negative thoughts or things that are not in harmony with us. We cannot help people until they realize they must change. Our only influence is surrounding them with positive forward motion, not buying into the pedantic behavior of spoiled children. In a way it is like a game for them, in an unhealthy way, to suck you into their hole. People always feel better when surrounded by like people. In a way they see your strength and goodness as something to admire and something to break apart to satisfy their own self fulfillment. It is always easier to stay where you are than to progress to the next level. This takes time and energy, but you do get better if you just stay on your path. Sooner or later everyone finds that one thing that gets them out.
Because we have free will, nothing is chosen for us. What we cause to happen is the opening of channels and pathways for our selection. Each choice resonates on a higher plane and this is how we learn and expand our consciousness. They are humming to our vibration, but as we stay positive and focused they change with better opportunities. All the choices made are good, because they are a progression of learning - the unfortunate part of this is that we really did forget who we are and lost our ability to resonate out of all the circumstances.
One must open up the heart, and we must want this more than anything, it can be accomplished, it is our choice. There are no guarantees or quick methods, but all beings are capable of great things if they would believe in these truths. We need to speak our truth, honor our word and take commitments to heart. The more we practice the stronger we become. Keeping truth at the center at all times – things will naturally fall into place. People get so turned around when they lose their center on anything. Be true to yourself; love yourself and all flows from there. Do not settle for something that is not 100% to your liking. When you settle for something it begins the downward spiral of the vibrational energy and knocks you back a little. There is never a reason to settle, always be grateful for what you have at hand and do not make a move or change for anything unless it is 100% positive. This encompasses everything in life, be it jobs, housing, cars, whatever you need.
We are living in a world of hope, belief and creation. We can create anything our heart desires – this is the key – nothing else, you must want what you seek more than anything else. Be focused, be very, very clear in your intention – doing this intention gathering everyday, throughout the day – and prove to yourself that it works. It has to – it really is a law of the universe. Forget duality – it’s all good if that’s where your heart is. Don’t ever forget you have to resonate at a high level to attract that which you are seeking – don’t ever allow the mind to prevent that. – be stronger than that. The less energy and thought you give to unsettling situations the better. Steady, slow positive steps are all that is required.