Clutter and Congestion, lets put these issues to rest, get rid of it, it’s time for TOUGH LOVE. Feng Shui deals extensively with clutter and congestion. It’s being treated by the public as a new phenomenon, people feel guilty about it, but its not that dramatic or complex. There are two choices, stop being a victim of our own demise, make it a priority and take care of it, or make it a priority and seek help - period.
Root Causes, Our Profiles, Methods of Clearing.
A good percentage of America has what I call attachment dis-order. Part of this is inherited; part of this is the product of today’s paradigm: capitalism and materialism. Much of society before us, the silent generation that reared the boomers, grew up poor.
Their fear based philosophy and work ethic included work hard at a conservative safe job and save. We didn’t have much - so we want you to have everything we didn’t. I believe this was one of the seeds of being a pack rat and hording non essential stuff.
Today new, better and more is the norm and status symbol, and part of our class system. Our stuff is our identity; it reflects who we are, so we are very attached to our stuff. It’s a quick euphoric fix to go out and buy more stuff. Oh boy new toys, clothes, cars, until the high wears off and we are back to routine needing more. The cycle never completes itself in the illusion of material paradise. We’ve now created an industry around clutter and congestion; there are books and businesses to help us. What does it say about us when we don’t know what to do about this problem, becoming victims of our own stuff? We are squeezing through our furniture and blocked passageways to look for stuff we can’t find because it’s buried in stuff we never use any more. The next headline will read Another Epidemic, 60% of Americans lose their ability to navigate through their own accumulation.
The interesting and positive part to this sad tale is Feng Shui, and the Yin Yang correlation. Isn’t it a paradox that we get more when we give more? The same applies to purging our bloated homes of unnecessary stuff, clearing the home for renewal, uplifting energy and life. There have been countless stories of this transformational experience. With the oppressive psychological and material burden lifted come job promotions, improved relationships, abundance, health etc. We can take to this task with a lot of emotion and drama or we can cut the umbilical cord and move on with our life. Our subconscious knows very well the STUFF has been weighing us down and keeping us back from moving on with our life.
So we need to do what it takes, what ever it takes, and there’s no going back once you’ve done it. There’s no hiding it either, no out of sight out of mind, everything you own counts in Feng Shui, no matter where it’s located. Moving stuff to another location is not necessarily a fix - the attic, down to the basement, into the garage, out to the shed, into storage, into the second home or having a friend store it for you. Your stuff fits your life style, not the other way around – you don’t fit to your stuffs’ lifestyle. Speaking of my own lifestyle, for thirty years I haven’t lived in one place longer than 2 ½ years. I had 5 Feng Shui consultations before becoming a teacher and consultant. I’ve done it all, estate sales, yard sales, charity, and giving it to friends. I have had large trucks hauling stuff away. Over time many of us learn the value and meaning of less is more. More crystals don’t make for better Feng Shui, and more money doesn’t give people deep inner happiness.
Here are a few thoughts and questions to consider;
A healthy home equals a healthy mind and body.
A cluttered home – a cluttered mind
Congested home – congested body
Overweight home – overweight body
When sorting through your possessions ask yourself these questions.
Do I love it?
Do I need it?
Does it reflect who I am in my life?
Does it act as an environmental affirmation for me?
What positive and or negative thoughts, memories or emotions do I associate with it?
Does it need to be fixed or repaired and am willing to do so now?
If I moved tomorrow would I choose to take it with me?
If it is time to let it go, am I going to sell, lend or give it away, and when?
The energy of our homes can leave us confused, irritated, scattered, and holding us in the past. Feng Shui is like acupuncture, it opens up the flow, getting us through blockages and stagnant energy. The home breathes in stuff and BREATHES OUT STUFF.
Feng Shui is creating harmony internally and externally.
Friday, November 03, 2006
The ancients developed the Bagua (energy map for enhancing life) in accordance with the universe and its energies. It was made by heaven, earth, wind, water, planets, animals, minerals and man all collaborating together in a world that conjured up to give all plenty.
This Bagua map is superimposed over your space as a life blue print. It is a holistic 9 grid map where we can see and work on particular facets of our life. This map is what I ask clients to work on before the actual consultation. To give deep thought and direction to these facets of our life makes all the difference between throwing our intentions to the wind and giving our intentions power - by being very clear and deliberate with them. When we map out our life with the Bagua (a multi layered written exercise with a final concise statement to be framed for reviews) we then correlate it to our space and anchor it there. This integral method is a powerful tool – it is our own unique expression and creation that works as a vibrational magnet to our energy. It is the law of the universe that we attract what we are vibrating though our space and intentions. The old saying “like attracts like” is true. We create our environment and our environment creates us.
The Bagua and Feng Shui in general can act as palate and canvass to consciousness. The shape and color of perception and perspective brings us what we will experience. As we move around the Feng Shui map superimposed over our space adding or moving images, objects and color we are setting our intention and our reminders to the internal creative power inside us. The Love and care we put into our environment reflects back to our own heart as a reminder to stay on the high path of Love and Kindness. Ones highest potential is living with their truth - vibrating in the unconditional state of love. All things flow from there.
Each of the Bagua’s nine grids or “Gua’s” relates to the different facets of our life. The center grid is Unity and Health. This correlates to the center of person and place.
We can look at our home, environment and universe as we look on the body, the heart being the center and unifying principle and form to all. It threads through our thoughts, words, action, and environment. The Hearth of yester year used to be the center of a home, where the family gathered to be stimulated by stories, retire to comfort, sustenance, learning and community. Our heart center is where we need to be vigilant at all times showing loving kindness to ourselves, our brothers and sisters, the earth and all living beings. This is the energy that brings us happiness, emotionally, and spiritually. What room or common area is in the center of your home? Let’s look at the energetic balance there. Stairways, long hallways, vacuous spaces, bathrooms, bedrooms and utility rooms will need extra Feng Shui care if they are in the center of your home - because of health and the unifying principles of your center grid. In broad general terms putting up images, objects and colors that reflect good health, unity and solidity (earth’s grounded ness) is the inherent wisdom. We want this area looking grounded, but vibrant utilizing the colors of the earth; yellow, tan, brown, gold, with added plants or fresh flowers. Images of mountains and pine trees add the solid grounding and evergreen freshness. These are just a few suggestions to be considered for this area of the home. In business the center grid makes a great location for conference rooms and meetings (when the inherent design allows.) As we look around us today we see much of humanity has lost its center and we are not grounded in health of mind, body or spirit, we are not unified in our human respect and dignity. Many positive and negative signs can be seen from the subconscious manifesting in our homes. Looking at our environment is looking in the mirror. What do you see in your home in the center grid of the 9? For a picture of the Bagua view it at a link on my website.
This Bagua map is superimposed over your space as a life blue print. It is a holistic 9 grid map where we can see and work on particular facets of our life. This map is what I ask clients to work on before the actual consultation. To give deep thought and direction to these facets of our life makes all the difference between throwing our intentions to the wind and giving our intentions power - by being very clear and deliberate with them. When we map out our life with the Bagua (a multi layered written exercise with a final concise statement to be framed for reviews) we then correlate it to our space and anchor it there. This integral method is a powerful tool – it is our own unique expression and creation that works as a vibrational magnet to our energy. It is the law of the universe that we attract what we are vibrating though our space and intentions. The old saying “like attracts like” is true. We create our environment and our environment creates us.
The Bagua and Feng Shui in general can act as palate and canvass to consciousness. The shape and color of perception and perspective brings us what we will experience. As we move around the Feng Shui map superimposed over our space adding or moving images, objects and color we are setting our intention and our reminders to the internal creative power inside us. The Love and care we put into our environment reflects back to our own heart as a reminder to stay on the high path of Love and Kindness. Ones highest potential is living with their truth - vibrating in the unconditional state of love. All things flow from there.
Each of the Bagua’s nine grids or “Gua’s” relates to the different facets of our life. The center grid is Unity and Health. This correlates to the center of person and place.
We can look at our home, environment and universe as we look on the body, the heart being the center and unifying principle and form to all. It threads through our thoughts, words, action, and environment. The Hearth of yester year used to be the center of a home, where the family gathered to be stimulated by stories, retire to comfort, sustenance, learning and community. Our heart center is where we need to be vigilant at all times showing loving kindness to ourselves, our brothers and sisters, the earth and all living beings. This is the energy that brings us happiness, emotionally, and spiritually. What room or common area is in the center of your home? Let’s look at the energetic balance there. Stairways, long hallways, vacuous spaces, bathrooms, bedrooms and utility rooms will need extra Feng Shui care if they are in the center of your home - because of health and the unifying principles of your center grid. In broad general terms putting up images, objects and colors that reflect good health, unity and solidity (earth’s grounded ness) is the inherent wisdom. We want this area looking grounded, but vibrant utilizing the colors of the earth; yellow, tan, brown, gold, with added plants or fresh flowers. Images of mountains and pine trees add the solid grounding and evergreen freshness. These are just a few suggestions to be considered for this area of the home. In business the center grid makes a great location for conference rooms and meetings (when the inherent design allows.) As we look around us today we see much of humanity has lost its center and we are not grounded in health of mind, body or spirit, we are not unified in our human respect and dignity. Many positive and negative signs can be seen from the subconscious manifesting in our homes. Looking at our environment is looking in the mirror. What do you see in your home in the center grid of the 9? For a picture of the Bagua view it at a link on my website.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The elements (wood, water, fire, earth, metal, air, void/space) are the basic composition of what makes the world tick. Nothing on our planet moves or comes into being without them. I use them as guideline in my consultations to bring balance to person and space.
Different cultures utilize different elements in various ways, such as:
The Indian’s have 4/5 elements
The Tibetans have 5 elements (different from the Chinese)
Chinese 5 elements extended into Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc.
The Greeks had 4/5 elements
The Native Americans have 4 directions & the medicine wheel (similar correlations)
The Mayans had the Calendar (similar correlation)
You can study any of these in depth - for a life time – and see if they are not mirrors to one another and to our selves. The elements of wood, water, fire, earth, metal, air, void/space correlate to; senses, organs, color, state of mind, emotion, wisdom, taste, color, behavior, seasons, body parts, health, shapes etc.. The list goes on, and maybe you can see my point that putting all this into one map was never meant to be or should be held like water in the wind.
One quick way to bring elemental balance to a space is by having a mixture of colors in symmetry. Each color refers to a different element. The walls and ceilings can make up 2 or 3 colors and then the rest of the needed colors have to be added as accent. The following colors are used for this along with there variations, white, black (or very dark colors), blue or green, earth tones (brown/yellow/gold) and fiery colors (red/purple/orange). The energy will shift when you have each one of these color groups balanced in a space - due to their elemental association. A Feng Shui teacher should be capable of seeing the conscious and subconscious attraction and attachment to elemental forms - to enhance and balance energy of person and space. Often times Feng Shui is a mirror to resistance to change. Instead of going with natural life flow we get stuck in areas we can usually move around except for our rigidity of mind, objects and shapes. It is essential to work with shapes in Feng Shui and they all have elemental associations.
The shape is made by the maker – the thinker. The shape itself represents the state of energy produced by the thinker. Therefore, if things are in proportion, the energy generated by the thinker is well rounded, or considered to be. If you feel comfort with a shape – that means you resonate with it. You could say shapes represent people. Wavy, for example signifies a person who is fluid in thought, perhaps open minded and moves with the flow. A box is a creation to house a person not wanting to get out, or not wanting to let anyone in. A pyramid/triangle is sharp, pointed, focused in 3 acute directions – turn it in any direction to emit 3 rays of energy. It is a dial of energy; pointed at the most dense energy and it will dissipate by sending sharp arrows from the peak and also deflects the energy coming back from the side angles. It is a protector as well as a weapon. The sphere is all encompassing, but no solid grounding mechanism – it gives all energy equally from every facet of its existence. It continuously turns, does never stay stable and was not meant to. It provides continuous coverage of what ever it gives off.
The rectangle, an elongated box, stretches beyond the boundaries of the closed off box. It is the higher dimension of the box, stretching itself to greater awareness.
Shapes can be twisted in any form. They are shapes because they froze, or got stuck that way. They are not permanent. People migrate from shape to shape as their perceptions of themselves in their world shifts. In Feng Shui it is important to work with them, more important to work through them. They signify who we are, finally Feng Shui consultants should consider themselves as DIRECTORS of energy and change, and should not view themselves as therapists or catalysts for change. We cannot prevent change - so go with your internal positive flow to create your positive external surroundings.
Different cultures utilize different elements in various ways, such as:
The Indian’s have 4/5 elements
The Tibetans have 5 elements (different from the Chinese)
Chinese 5 elements extended into Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc.
The Greeks had 4/5 elements
The Native Americans have 4 directions & the medicine wheel (similar correlations)
The Mayans had the Calendar (similar correlation)
You can study any of these in depth - for a life time – and see if they are not mirrors to one another and to our selves. The elements of wood, water, fire, earth, metal, air, void/space correlate to; senses, organs, color, state of mind, emotion, wisdom, taste, color, behavior, seasons, body parts, health, shapes etc.. The list goes on, and maybe you can see my point that putting all this into one map was never meant to be or should be held like water in the wind.
One quick way to bring elemental balance to a space is by having a mixture of colors in symmetry. Each color refers to a different element. The walls and ceilings can make up 2 or 3 colors and then the rest of the needed colors have to be added as accent. The following colors are used for this along with there variations, white, black (or very dark colors), blue or green, earth tones (brown/yellow/gold) and fiery colors (red/purple/orange). The energy will shift when you have each one of these color groups balanced in a space - due to their elemental association. A Feng Shui teacher should be capable of seeing the conscious and subconscious attraction and attachment to elemental forms - to enhance and balance energy of person and space. Often times Feng Shui is a mirror to resistance to change. Instead of going with natural life flow we get stuck in areas we can usually move around except for our rigidity of mind, objects and shapes. It is essential to work with shapes in Feng Shui and they all have elemental associations.
The shape is made by the maker – the thinker. The shape itself represents the state of energy produced by the thinker. Therefore, if things are in proportion, the energy generated by the thinker is well rounded, or considered to be. If you feel comfort with a shape – that means you resonate with it. You could say shapes represent people. Wavy, for example signifies a person who is fluid in thought, perhaps open minded and moves with the flow. A box is a creation to house a person not wanting to get out, or not wanting to let anyone in. A pyramid/triangle is sharp, pointed, focused in 3 acute directions – turn it in any direction to emit 3 rays of energy. It is a dial of energy; pointed at the most dense energy and it will dissipate by sending sharp arrows from the peak and also deflects the energy coming back from the side angles. It is a protector as well as a weapon. The sphere is all encompassing, but no solid grounding mechanism – it gives all energy equally from every facet of its existence. It continuously turns, does never stay stable and was not meant to. It provides continuous coverage of what ever it gives off.
The rectangle, an elongated box, stretches beyond the boundaries of the closed off box. It is the higher dimension of the box, stretching itself to greater awareness.
Shapes can be twisted in any form. They are shapes because they froze, or got stuck that way. They are not permanent. People migrate from shape to shape as their perceptions of themselves in their world shifts. In Feng Shui it is important to work with them, more important to work through them. They signify who we are, finally Feng Shui consultants should consider themselves as DIRECTORS of energy and change, and should not view themselves as therapists or catalysts for change. We cannot prevent change - so go with your internal positive flow to create your positive external surroundings.
What is our fascination with the mirror – who’s the fairest of them all – mirror of the soul. Look in the stores, galleries and shops and you will see the mirrors framed in folk art, planets, aliens, lights etc. We see mirrors attached to all types of objects, folding mirrors, mirrors large as a wall, in pocket books, and THE HOUSE OF MIRRORS at the amusement park where you knock yourself silly. They are used in large telescopes, microscopes, spacecraft and solar panels.
Like color (described in my last newsletter) the many cultural histories of mirrors have a psycho social significance. In Feng Shui there are many meanings and usages for the mirror.
The first thing to consider is that a mirror throws energy – either positive or negative. Look in your mirror and see what it is reflecting besides yourself. Consider the psychological implications, is it reflecting something positive, neutral or negative.
If your mirror is reflecting a window – what’s the view – a nursing home, hospital, police station, graveyard which can be the wrong thing that you bring into your home – the list goes on and it behooves you to check this out.
Watch your placement around stairways, doors and hallways – these are passageways of energy flowing through your home. We don’t need to bounce energy back out the door, or speed up the energy going down the stairs or long hallway.
Convex mirrors are placed outside, above your front door if there is too much negative energy coming from your neighbor directly across from you, or if you are at the end of a dead end street where the flow of traffic/energy is coming directly at your house, and if you are on the outside curve of a fast moving street.
When ever you’re seated and your back is towards the entrance of a room it’s recommended to have a mirror as a vantage point to see the entrance – this allows you to psychologically/physically face the energy coming into the room. If at your stove your back is towards the kitchen entrance - the same rule applies – it’s generally a good thing to reflect the burners, doubling your fire energy and food abundance, but again watch that all mirrors don’t bounce energy back out the door. Sometimes it’s a catch 22 and other Feng Shui tools are called into play.
Mirrors are not recommended in the bedroom, but if you sleep ok and feel rested when you get up, then you’re fine. We all have different energetic needs.
Opposing mirrors are opposing energies causing chaos and conflict, and of course mirrors help expand small tight places.
Restaurants have picked up on the Feng Shui utility of mirrors in a way that bounces you out of your seat as soon as you’re done eating, enabling the next customer to come in quickly to keep the money flowing.
Concerning the Feng Shui Bagua Mirror that you see in stores – please contact me before putting these to use.
The best mirror of all is a reflection on your thoughts, feelings, actions and results. This mirror should reflect everything positive and help you expand and grow with energy.
What is our fascination with the mirror – who’s the fairest of them all – mirror of the soul. Look in the stores, galleries and shops and you will see the mirrors framed in folk art, planets, aliens, lights etc. We see mirrors attached to all types of objects, folding mirrors, mirrors large as a wall, in pocket books, and THE HOUSE OF MIRRORS at the amusement park where you knock yourself silly. They are used in large telescopes, microscopes, spacecraft and solar panels.
Like color (described in my last newsletter) the many cultural histories of mirrors have a psycho social significance. In Feng Shui there are many meanings and usages for the mirror.
The first thing to consider is that a mirror throws energy – either positive or negative. Look in your mirror and see what it is reflecting besides yourself. Consider the psychological implications, is it reflecting something positive, neutral or negative.
If your mirror is reflecting a window – what’s the view – a nursing home, hospital, police station, graveyard which can be the wrong thing that you bring into your home – the list goes on and it behooves you to check this out.
Watch your placement around stairways, doors and hallways – these are passageways of energy flowing through your home. We don’t need to bounce energy back out the door, or speed up the energy going down the stairs or long hallway.
Convex mirrors are placed outside, above your front door if there is too much negative energy coming from your neighbor directly across from you, or if you are at the end of a dead end street where the flow of traffic/energy is coming directly at your house, and if you are on the outside curve of a fast moving street.
When ever you’re seated and your back is towards the entrance of a room it’s recommended to have a mirror as a vantage point to see the entrance – this allows you to psychologically/physically face the energy coming into the room. If at your stove your back is towards the kitchen entrance - the same rule applies – it’s generally a good thing to reflect the burners, doubling your fire energy and food abundance, but again watch that all mirrors don’t bounce energy back out the door. Sometimes it’s a catch 22 and other Feng Shui tools are called into play.
Mirrors are not recommended in the bedroom, but if you sleep ok and feel rested when you get up, then you’re fine. We all have different energetic needs.
Opposing mirrors are opposing energies causing chaos and conflict, and of course mirrors help expand small tight places.
Restaurants have picked up on the Feng Shui utility of mirrors in a way that bounces you out of your seat as soon as you’re done eating, enabling the next customer to come in quickly to keep the money flowing.
Concerning the Feng Shui Bagua Mirror that you see in stores – please contact me before putting these to use.
The best mirror of all is a reflection on your thoughts, feelings, actions and results. This mirror should reflect everything positive and help you expand and grow with energy.
Our bodies and minds react to nature. We are here as visitors to this planet and we are affected by its energy. If the world is tired, so are its people. That’s why it is important to stay in your light and find passion with something to give back to our planet to keep it healthy and evolving.
Declare your independence today free from worry, intolerance and hatred. Rise above the norm and step out for what is right and just. Be true to your heart and emotion of the inner guidance and all will be well with the world. Don’t be the center of attention for ego’s sake – be kind, patient and loving. Spread your sense of self to all, be humble and carefree. Be mindful, in the moment, listen and reap the benefits of non-judging and non-attachment. Love everybody and approach everyone and everything you do with an open heart and courage to be true to yourself. You do not always have to voice your opinions or speak your truth, just live it. When things can’t feel right or seam right, step away, gracefully. You will not always resonate with people, that is how you find out who you are. Let them be, wish them well, and never, ever pass judgment.
If you live in a world that welcomes diversity, honor that. If you want to live in a world that encourages sameness, honor that. Just be sure you know what your world looks like before creating it. If you want to live in a world that encourages harmony, peace on earth, fellowship, like mindedness, create that and honor it. Never step outside the vision, but take care to analyze thoroughly something that bumps up against the vision before casting it aside or welcoming it in.
You don’t recognize or understand fully that the people you are meeting are being created by you. Spend more time seeking out the truth in your desired world and do not settle. Be more deliberate. Not judging. Be more expectant, not disappointed. Try it out; put your effort behind this 100%. Spend 15 minutes everyday just to create your world. What’s in store for you is what’s in store in your heart and mind. Freedom from drudgery and boredom. Freedom from unhealthy or unhappy situations is all within your reach. Brush away any sarcasm or pettiness, it means nothing. Do everything with grace and purposefulness and reap the rewards. Don’t be discouraged; change happens in an instant. Positive forward motion is in your best interest. No judgment, no bad feelings, no ill will, keep going. There is a finish line.
Energy is felt through the vibration it releases or gives off. You feel energy through your body, your eyes, touch and smell. Energy can also be experienced through certain foods; taste is connected to energy. Feelings are energy… tired, happy, sad - all the range of emotions. The planets emit their energy – the sun and moon are good examples. High versus low; daytime versus nighttime. Anything that moves releases energy.
You know energy by the experience of it. Natural energy is the highest form of energy… wind, water, nature, animals, plants. The 2nd highest form of energy is that which is made with pure intention – positive thought – positive emotions, positive actions, positive outcomes. Then all the rest range from positive to negative based upon the creator and the means to which it was created. Many things created in factories, things created by unhappy people, things created with poor ingredients and the like are forms of negative energy and you feel that. Places like hospitals, sky scrapers, grocery stores pumping out unhealthy and unnatural foods are low energy. You experience these all the time. You can measure outputs of energy like electricity, or utilize other tools to detect vibration, but these are not necessary at all. Energy expresses itself to all living creatures and when the body and mind is open through the senses, you can easily determine the amount of energy in any given situation. To look at someone’s energy level that is acutely attuned to the higher scale – look at their life, look at the colors of their home. Look at what they don’t eat or drink. Look at their thoughts and aspirations. You can sense the state of a being just by experiencing their thoughts and home. Colors, textures, light smells of lavender, lemon, and rosemary. These are the enhancers to the spirit. Nature, animals, things untouched and not spoiled by harshness enhances your life. Staying in your heart, holding onto a sentence, phrase or word, whatever it takes, do it for yourself. Do it for mankind. Do it for your planet.
Declare your independence today free from worry, intolerance and hatred. Rise above the norm and step out for what is right and just. Be true to your heart and emotion of the inner guidance and all will be well with the world. Don’t be the center of attention for ego’s sake – be kind, patient and loving. Spread your sense of self to all, be humble and carefree. Be mindful, in the moment, listen and reap the benefits of non-judging and non-attachment. Love everybody and approach everyone and everything you do with an open heart and courage to be true to yourself. You do not always have to voice your opinions or speak your truth, just live it. When things can’t feel right or seam right, step away, gracefully. You will not always resonate with people, that is how you find out who you are. Let them be, wish them well, and never, ever pass judgment.
If you live in a world that welcomes diversity, honor that. If you want to live in a world that encourages sameness, honor that. Just be sure you know what your world looks like before creating it. If you want to live in a world that encourages harmony, peace on earth, fellowship, like mindedness, create that and honor it. Never step outside the vision, but take care to analyze thoroughly something that bumps up against the vision before casting it aside or welcoming it in.
You don’t recognize or understand fully that the people you are meeting are being created by you. Spend more time seeking out the truth in your desired world and do not settle. Be more deliberate. Not judging. Be more expectant, not disappointed. Try it out; put your effort behind this 100%. Spend 15 minutes everyday just to create your world. What’s in store for you is what’s in store in your heart and mind. Freedom from drudgery and boredom. Freedom from unhealthy or unhappy situations is all within your reach. Brush away any sarcasm or pettiness, it means nothing. Do everything with grace and purposefulness and reap the rewards. Don’t be discouraged; change happens in an instant. Positive forward motion is in your best interest. No judgment, no bad feelings, no ill will, keep going. There is a finish line.
Energy is felt through the vibration it releases or gives off. You feel energy through your body, your eyes, touch and smell. Energy can also be experienced through certain foods; taste is connected to energy. Feelings are energy… tired, happy, sad - all the range of emotions. The planets emit their energy – the sun and moon are good examples. High versus low; daytime versus nighttime. Anything that moves releases energy.
You know energy by the experience of it. Natural energy is the highest form of energy… wind, water, nature, animals, plants. The 2nd highest form of energy is that which is made with pure intention – positive thought – positive emotions, positive actions, positive outcomes. Then all the rest range from positive to negative based upon the creator and the means to which it was created. Many things created in factories, things created by unhappy people, things created with poor ingredients and the like are forms of negative energy and you feel that. Places like hospitals, sky scrapers, grocery stores pumping out unhealthy and unnatural foods are low energy. You experience these all the time. You can measure outputs of energy like electricity, or utilize other tools to detect vibration, but these are not necessary at all. Energy expresses itself to all living creatures and when the body and mind is open through the senses, you can easily determine the amount of energy in any given situation. To look at someone’s energy level that is acutely attuned to the higher scale – look at their life, look at the colors of their home. Look at what they don’t eat or drink. Look at their thoughts and aspirations. You can sense the state of a being just by experiencing their thoughts and home. Colors, textures, light smells of lavender, lemon, and rosemary. These are the enhancers to the spirit. Nature, animals, things untouched and not spoiled by harshness enhances your life. Staying in your heart, holding onto a sentence, phrase or word, whatever it takes, do it for yourself. Do it for mankind. Do it for your planet.
Activities of creation are wonderful for the human spirit because we are creators we are most comforted by the art of creation. Everybody forgets that they came to this planet to be just that. We have lost our ability to create which is such a terrible thing. The reason that so many professional creators; painters, poets, artists are so torn and tormented is we do not support their art. We do not support the very core of their beings. We are blocking them. Would you block a flower from growing? Think about that. In one sense you would immediately say of course not. Yet we hack the world to death everyday by creating more structure and emptying the words of God’s glory. It is no wonder that we are choking on our creativity – blocked at every avenue. We have to be clever enough in our world to fit into the main stream, or pretend to, in order to slip our creativity under the door. Many things we see in stores, the shiny, pretty things, are not the artist’s most enjoyable pieces. You never see the pieces they most cherish because they have to create for the masses. Most artist’s have rooms that are full of creative pieces you will never see because they can’t be appreciated by the masses with money who shop the frilly stores and buy out of catalogues to create the look of a picture resembling happiness, harmony and the good life. Such sadness and futility emanates from our bated society.
Be free, be free inside, and let this teaching give you inspiration, courage and energy to keep proving over and over again that we live our lives from the inside out. No anger or fear, just a solid foundation of peace and joy to others no matter what. Many are asleep, they have no idea what is there for them yet. Everyone must do their own recovery and reach for the stars. We shouldn’t despair with the rhythm changes – retreat when we have to and repair and rebirth are necessary sometimes, we cannot go into our box and start punching our way out. We are not here to fix or bring compassion to anyone. Compassion should not have to exist in our world. The reason we feel we have to have compassion is because we’re bringing experiences that require it. Create happy people, creative experiences and fulfilling experiences. That’s all we need to do. Be careful of your intention. Don’t feel like you have to be admirable – it’s not like that. Just reach for the stars and all will be well. You must consciously plan your day – create your day before the day creates you. Feel life and what you are. Never stop creating your path and putting the experiences into that which you want. Do not let yourself down; keep plugging away everyday until you are able to see the next path clearly. Think about the possibilities and see what resonates the most. Do not feel attached to anything if any opportunity arises that you may find interesting – pursue all avenues. Keep on track even when we tire of things we think we have mastered. Pay attention, mastery never sleeps or eases up. No master on our planet’s history ever stopped the practice until death. Think of all your great painters, composers, etc. Never fool yourself into greatness – this is a very dangerous path to fall into. We cannot get sloppy in thinking we are not attached to the outcome of our actions. We are always attached to everything we do in our entire life. Our life print is in every single effort we put out there so make it a 100% effort every time with the best intentions always. Do not judge others – learn from them and beware you are not your mastermind if you still have these people in your path that evokes this emotion. We have no right to be bored with so much work ahead of us that will bring the planet earth to a better place. Think about this seriously. When our hearts harden we lose or connection to our higher vibration and to universal energy. Think wonderful thoughts. Do not be put off by masks, somewhere in there is an inner child dying to come out.
Be free, be free inside, and let this teaching give you inspiration, courage and energy to keep proving over and over again that we live our lives from the inside out. No anger or fear, just a solid foundation of peace and joy to others no matter what. Many are asleep, they have no idea what is there for them yet. Everyone must do their own recovery and reach for the stars. We shouldn’t despair with the rhythm changes – retreat when we have to and repair and rebirth are necessary sometimes, we cannot go into our box and start punching our way out. We are not here to fix or bring compassion to anyone. Compassion should not have to exist in our world. The reason we feel we have to have compassion is because we’re bringing experiences that require it. Create happy people, creative experiences and fulfilling experiences. That’s all we need to do. Be careful of your intention. Don’t feel like you have to be admirable – it’s not like that. Just reach for the stars and all will be well. You must consciously plan your day – create your day before the day creates you. Feel life and what you are. Never stop creating your path and putting the experiences into that which you want. Do not let yourself down; keep plugging away everyday until you are able to see the next path clearly. Think about the possibilities and see what resonates the most. Do not feel attached to anything if any opportunity arises that you may find interesting – pursue all avenues. Keep on track even when we tire of things we think we have mastered. Pay attention, mastery never sleeps or eases up. No master on our planet’s history ever stopped the practice until death. Think of all your great painters, composers, etc. Never fool yourself into greatness – this is a very dangerous path to fall into. We cannot get sloppy in thinking we are not attached to the outcome of our actions. We are always attached to everything we do in our entire life. Our life print is in every single effort we put out there so make it a 100% effort every time with the best intentions always. Do not judge others – learn from them and beware you are not your mastermind if you still have these people in your path that evokes this emotion. We have no right to be bored with so much work ahead of us that will bring the planet earth to a better place. Think about this seriously. When our hearts harden we lose or connection to our higher vibration and to universal energy. Think wonderful thoughts. Do not be put off by masks, somewhere in there is an inner child dying to come out.
We can be bombarded everyday by people’s emotional shields, but we are able to see the worlds they have created, like they are wearing badges of courage for their sorrows, problems, etc…Mondays are tough for our planet. If you keep a smile on your face constantly you’ll be surprised how easily you’ll get by. Just showing everybody a smile or gentle face means everything to their harried world. We work on higher level matters when we have time, but clean up the old lingering issues first, before moving on. It’s what we don’t do with pedantic and useless behavior that makes us stronger and steadier. Things are said in the moment to build upon the ego and then they are totally forgotten. We are to be kind and generous with everyone, and forget the rest because it means absolutely nothing. It takes steady concentrated effort for us to stay on course. We just need to concern ourselves with building our own character and all will be well, being diligent in who we are. Stay away from conversation about others. It does absolutely no good to the cause of humanity and the world. People need to figure out their own way. All you need is listen and support their effort for trying to figure out the truth. It’s all a repetition until we get it right. Once we learn to live in our vibration we’re gone from this planet in mind and spirit, until the body catches up. We eventually learn it doesn’t matter what we choose it’s about our intentions around the selected path. This can be somewhat lonely, but we will gain so much peace and appreciation for everyone and everything.
We are always capable of moving the earth a little closer to saving itself, and making the earth a better place to live. Be kind and gentle, for the earth and its people need it. When we feel our tasks are boring or unfulfilling - remember we are here on earth to play out our intended drama. We came here to help people – everybody does. It is natural for us to fall back, but not in our best interest. Every time we lose our faith someone suffers beside us. We need a willingness to change the world with everything we do and say. We can’t let ourselves down. We can only take people as far as we can then let their own will choose from there. We cannot and should not try to change people – that is a terrible waste of energy. Be supportive when you hear a valid goal or attainment trying to be reached and nothing more. We are not God; they are their own creation no matter how impure it may seem to us.
Humans have always asked why am I here, what is my life’s calling – It’s simple, but too hard for most because it requires letting go of the material, selfish world. We are here to be happy and create a better world. That’s all, pretty easy. We are our own creator and when we create we are in our source energy field. Thoughts create feelings, feelings create actions and actions create results. Perhaps there will come a day when we won’t require the vessel or things to make us happy. When we finally resonate out of the body. When we can get to that place of pure light, all is accomplished. It is important to keep those energy levels high, and triggers at bay. Don’t let anything get in the way of the higher scale of feeling. It’s entirely possible, but also extremely difficult. Life is for the living and for you to resonate with all you have. Resonate on high so that others feel the love and energy that you are. Unclog your minds with all the thoughts that hold you back, jobs, money, relationships, fear… Relax, love yourself, resonate on high beam, and all will be wonderful. Do not be so concerned with what to do, where to go, if you just turn yourself over to the heart and energize yourself with love and good intentions for yourselves, you will see things happen for you. Be happy. Take the path of kindness and love towards all and great things are yours.
We are always capable of moving the earth a little closer to saving itself, and making the earth a better place to live. Be kind and gentle, for the earth and its people need it. When we feel our tasks are boring or unfulfilling - remember we are here on earth to play out our intended drama. We came here to help people – everybody does. It is natural for us to fall back, but not in our best interest. Every time we lose our faith someone suffers beside us. We need a willingness to change the world with everything we do and say. We can’t let ourselves down. We can only take people as far as we can then let their own will choose from there. We cannot and should not try to change people – that is a terrible waste of energy. Be supportive when you hear a valid goal or attainment trying to be reached and nothing more. We are not God; they are their own creation no matter how impure it may seem to us.
Humans have always asked why am I here, what is my life’s calling – It’s simple, but too hard for most because it requires letting go of the material, selfish world. We are here to be happy and create a better world. That’s all, pretty easy. We are our own creator and when we create we are in our source energy field. Thoughts create feelings, feelings create actions and actions create results. Perhaps there will come a day when we won’t require the vessel or things to make us happy. When we finally resonate out of the body. When we can get to that place of pure light, all is accomplished. It is important to keep those energy levels high, and triggers at bay. Don’t let anything get in the way of the higher scale of feeling. It’s entirely possible, but also extremely difficult. Life is for the living and for you to resonate with all you have. Resonate on high so that others feel the love and energy that you are. Unclog your minds with all the thoughts that hold you back, jobs, money, relationships, fear… Relax, love yourself, resonate on high beam, and all will be wonderful. Do not be so concerned with what to do, where to go, if you just turn yourself over to the heart and energize yourself with love and good intentions for yourselves, you will see things happen for you. Be happy. Take the path of kindness and love towards all and great things are yours.
Every single instant is a chance to create something. That’s why fortunes and other fortune telling beings are so limiting to people. They basically predict the easy way out which is what they see for people, or sense it. Your life can change in an instant. It all depends on the vibrational pull or flow that you give to it. When we are not vibrating at the level we should be, we lose our ability to create. When we vibrate at lower frequencies we pull others toward us because they sense or feel us vibrating on the same scale. Think about your energy. Are your thoughts heavy or small – light or loving – that’s where we go. We need passion and clarity in what we want – if we don’t know the specifics, then we focus on the types of people, types of places and particulars around that which we want. Instead of focusing on the lack, we focus on what will be. It takes a heightened desire, and sometimes feels like a desperation, like you have to have it or else…This is our higher being connection, but unfortunately this is not a perfecting of it, the ease of it, when it comes down to desperate measures.
Finding one’s right path is done through deliberate intent and pure vibration, this sometimes means unlearning a few concepts and trusting in the conscious power of creation; full attention and deliberate thoughts, crystal clear. Throwing things into the wind without deliberate intent is where things go wrong. Always remember we are perfect, we are powerful and we are the truth. A great creation tool is segment planning. 1.) Write everyday what you want, the people, the places, the things. 2.) Write why it’s important to have it. 3.) Write why you’ll get it. Clear intention is the key. Plan your day, expect great outcomes – come from the heart. Focus on your goal of being a positive uplifting force. Remain strong, take breaks along the way. Stick to the rules and expectations with your engagement with others. It is normal to go through adjustment pains. Do not create situations that haven’t happened yet by preparing yourself for what could be, there is no ‘what could be’ there is only now, and with diligent consistent intent your life will be one of joy. If we practice on making everyday uplifting to ourselves things will always fall into place.
We must choose our activities based on the vibration we feel. The more we resonate on a higher level – on any level – the more the path becomes clear. If there is ever any doubt that something is not in your best interest or something will not uplift you, than you have your answer. We do not need to ponder or examine the situation over and over, your feelings not your thoughts, are telling you what to do. You should feel joy about doing something or it is not worth doing. Be careful not to get yourself into a rhythm of doing things that do not up lift you. You cannot make something suit you if it does not naturally do that. This is critical to your power and must be adhered to strictly. Keep the love in your heart as you seek to understand.
Finding one’s right path is done through deliberate intent and pure vibration, this sometimes means unlearning a few concepts and trusting in the conscious power of creation; full attention and deliberate thoughts, crystal clear. Throwing things into the wind without deliberate intent is where things go wrong. Always remember we are perfect, we are powerful and we are the truth. A great creation tool is segment planning. 1.) Write everyday what you want, the people, the places, the things. 2.) Write why it’s important to have it. 3.) Write why you’ll get it. Clear intention is the key. Plan your day, expect great outcomes – come from the heart. Focus on your goal of being a positive uplifting force. Remain strong, take breaks along the way. Stick to the rules and expectations with your engagement with others. It is normal to go through adjustment pains. Do not create situations that haven’t happened yet by preparing yourself for what could be, there is no ‘what could be’ there is only now, and with diligent consistent intent your life will be one of joy. If we practice on making everyday uplifting to ourselves things will always fall into place.
We must choose our activities based on the vibration we feel. The more we resonate on a higher level – on any level – the more the path becomes clear. If there is ever any doubt that something is not in your best interest or something will not uplift you, than you have your answer. We do not need to ponder or examine the situation over and over, your feelings not your thoughts, are telling you what to do. You should feel joy about doing something or it is not worth doing. Be careful not to get yourself into a rhythm of doing things that do not up lift you. You cannot make something suit you if it does not naturally do that. This is critical to your power and must be adhered to strictly. Keep the love in your heart as you seek to understand.
It takes energy to feel our way through life. That’s why we shouldn’t focus on negative thoughts or things that are not in harmony with us. We cannot help people until they realize they must change. Our only influence is surrounding them with positive forward motion, not buying into the pedantic behavior of spoiled children. In a way it is like a game for them, in an unhealthy way, to suck you into their hole. People always feel better when surrounded by like people. In a way they see your strength and goodness as something to admire and something to break apart to satisfy their own self fulfillment. It is always easier to stay where you are than to progress to the next level. This takes time and energy, but you do get better if you just stay on your path. Sooner or later everyone finds that one thing that gets them out.
Because we have free will, nothing is chosen for us. What we cause to happen is the opening of channels and pathways for our selection. Each choice resonates on a higher plane and this is how we learn and expand our consciousness. They are humming to our vibration, but as we stay positive and focused they change with better opportunities. All the choices made are good, because they are a progression of learning - the unfortunate part of this is that we really did forget who we are and lost our ability to resonate out of all the circumstances.
One must open up the heart, and we must want this more than anything, it can be accomplished, it is our choice. There are no guarantees or quick methods, but all beings are capable of great things if they would believe in these truths. We need to speak our truth, honor our word and take commitments to heart. The more we practice the stronger we become. Keeping truth at the center at all times – things will naturally fall into place. People get so turned around when they lose their center on anything. Be true to yourself; love yourself and all flows from there. Do not settle for something that is not 100% to your liking. When you settle for something it begins the downward spiral of the vibrational energy and knocks you back a little. There is never a reason to settle, always be grateful for what you have at hand and do not make a move or change for anything unless it is 100% positive. This encompasses everything in life, be it jobs, housing, cars, whatever you need.
We are living in a world of hope, belief and creation. We can create anything our heart desires – this is the key – nothing else, you must want what you seek more than anything else. Be focused, be very, very clear in your intention – doing this intention gathering everyday, throughout the day – and prove to yourself that it works. It has to – it really is a law of the universe. Forget duality – it’s all good if that’s where your heart is. Don’t ever forget you have to resonate at a high level to attract that which you are seeking – don’t ever allow the mind to prevent that. – be stronger than that. The less energy and thought you give to unsettling situations the better. Steady, slow positive steps are all that is required.
Because we have free will, nothing is chosen for us. What we cause to happen is the opening of channels and pathways for our selection. Each choice resonates on a higher plane and this is how we learn and expand our consciousness. They are humming to our vibration, but as we stay positive and focused they change with better opportunities. All the choices made are good, because they are a progression of learning - the unfortunate part of this is that we really did forget who we are and lost our ability to resonate out of all the circumstances.
One must open up the heart, and we must want this more than anything, it can be accomplished, it is our choice. There are no guarantees or quick methods, but all beings are capable of great things if they would believe in these truths. We need to speak our truth, honor our word and take commitments to heart. The more we practice the stronger we become. Keeping truth at the center at all times – things will naturally fall into place. People get so turned around when they lose their center on anything. Be true to yourself; love yourself and all flows from there. Do not settle for something that is not 100% to your liking. When you settle for something it begins the downward spiral of the vibrational energy and knocks you back a little. There is never a reason to settle, always be grateful for what you have at hand and do not make a move or change for anything unless it is 100% positive. This encompasses everything in life, be it jobs, housing, cars, whatever you need.
We are living in a world of hope, belief and creation. We can create anything our heart desires – this is the key – nothing else, you must want what you seek more than anything else. Be focused, be very, very clear in your intention – doing this intention gathering everyday, throughout the day – and prove to yourself that it works. It has to – it really is a law of the universe. Forget duality – it’s all good if that’s where your heart is. Don’t ever forget you have to resonate at a high level to attract that which you are seeking – don’t ever allow the mind to prevent that. – be stronger than that. The less energy and thought you give to unsettling situations the better. Steady, slow positive steps are all that is required.
Why do we play games with the gift of god because we have created structures? Open spaces, open minds, open hearts in a lovingly coordinated fashion is what’s at stake. Things happen behind the scenes not always known to man, but can be known with love and light. Our path is right in front of us, but until someone truly opens their heart, the path is not exposed or even chosen. Sometimes paths are laid out for you to choose and then things align themselves after the selection.
There are no opposites only truth and truth is the way. Truth allows freedom of heart and mind and unlocks all creativity. We cannot hide our baggage or wounds. Pain is a deep seated urgency of thoughts to let go. There are those with very strong personalities like erect pillars of hard cement with no feelings, but they are porous and things seep in even if they are not aware. Keeping lines in the sand of a relationship has no meaning. We must carry all that we are all the time into all situations.
We continue to destroy the beauty of life, with much pain we will find there will be nothing more to look at. At this point, all we will have is ourselves to rebuild, where we will then find beauty all over again. It’s a continuous cycle until everything is cleaned up. All the energy must be reconciled. As love and goodness are created, negative action and despair is also growing. One must overtake the other then the cycle is complete. Then out of discord and disharmony - does the light shine through to build back a clean beautiful planet. We are stuck in neutral now, there are powers trying to prevent the collapse – it is crucial to always remember the power of your vibrational thought and actions. That is why we must purify our souls, release the pent up negative energy that rots the body and our world.
We can’t waste time talking about things that don’t matter or untrue, we don’t have much time. We must reach all that we can and use our energy wisely. We really have no idea how short our time is here on earth. If we did we’d all be so much more active in our pursuit of saving and holding onto our dreams. We need to focus on the blue, not the clouds, that’s the secret. Everything has its purpose, but don’t forget the good stuff is happening in the moment if we are vibrating in the right signal.
We have free will to experience what we want on earth, so we have all the emotions to work with, so that we understand the challenge. We came here with good intentions, but it is such a blow to the environment when we are born that it is somewhat shocking. There are a million or more possibilities for us here and we face to take whatever path we want. It takes what seems a long time to connect back to the source and find our way home. We come to earth to make things better – that’s why everyone we meet is an angel – they asked to come. What we didn’t ask for was all the negativity presented to us along with discouragement and lack of encouragement. One kind word can often shock someone out of their dismal life, and into a path of nurturing and love. It’s like jumping into anything else no one knows what it’s like to be someone else. No one knows what someone is going through at any moment. All you can do is control your own vibration and attract what you need to survive which in turn puts the world in a better place. There is really no sense in ever discussing people and their thoughts and ways, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter and makes your world stand still. Just feel how others are feeling, that’s all we need to do. It’s true that like attracts like and we should prepare ourselves to move forward.
There are no opposites only truth and truth is the way. Truth allows freedom of heart and mind and unlocks all creativity. We cannot hide our baggage or wounds. Pain is a deep seated urgency of thoughts to let go. There are those with very strong personalities like erect pillars of hard cement with no feelings, but they are porous and things seep in even if they are not aware. Keeping lines in the sand of a relationship has no meaning. We must carry all that we are all the time into all situations.
We continue to destroy the beauty of life, with much pain we will find there will be nothing more to look at. At this point, all we will have is ourselves to rebuild, where we will then find beauty all over again. It’s a continuous cycle until everything is cleaned up. All the energy must be reconciled. As love and goodness are created, negative action and despair is also growing. One must overtake the other then the cycle is complete. Then out of discord and disharmony - does the light shine through to build back a clean beautiful planet. We are stuck in neutral now, there are powers trying to prevent the collapse – it is crucial to always remember the power of your vibrational thought and actions. That is why we must purify our souls, release the pent up negative energy that rots the body and our world.
We can’t waste time talking about things that don’t matter or untrue, we don’t have much time. We must reach all that we can and use our energy wisely. We really have no idea how short our time is here on earth. If we did we’d all be so much more active in our pursuit of saving and holding onto our dreams. We need to focus on the blue, not the clouds, that’s the secret. Everything has its purpose, but don’t forget the good stuff is happening in the moment if we are vibrating in the right signal.
We have free will to experience what we want on earth, so we have all the emotions to work with, so that we understand the challenge. We came here with good intentions, but it is such a blow to the environment when we are born that it is somewhat shocking. There are a million or more possibilities for us here and we face to take whatever path we want. It takes what seems a long time to connect back to the source and find our way home. We come to earth to make things better – that’s why everyone we meet is an angel – they asked to come. What we didn’t ask for was all the negativity presented to us along with discouragement and lack of encouragement. One kind word can often shock someone out of their dismal life, and into a path of nurturing and love. It’s like jumping into anything else no one knows what it’s like to be someone else. No one knows what someone is going through at any moment. All you can do is control your own vibration and attract what you need to survive which in turn puts the world in a better place. There is really no sense in ever discussing people and their thoughts and ways, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter and makes your world stand still. Just feel how others are feeling, that’s all we need to do. It’s true that like attracts like and we should prepare ourselves to move forward.
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