Monday, February 04, 2013



In this smoking dream
Unplug yourself from the ghost of life
All the entries that describe you
As the last person down the hall
No one understands

A stranger that travels beneath
The leather sun
All meaning extracted
From the corralled herd

You have become sea glass
Worn polished
But no longer clear

Search for triggers that blaze the soul
The tears runway that almost blind you
Bind you in love

Keep searching for the lucid way
The song words of giants inside you
Grow antlers to collect stars
Keep sharpening the horizon
Scrape the sky for new stories

Try reading the slow curve of the day
The brief shadow songs
The ancestors drum for you
Paint or carve you in their art
In cave walls standing next to you
With medicine they open you up

Driftwood guitars
Releasing your see lanes
Oceanic skirmishes with the self
Storm seeking beauty

Breathe beneath the sea
In the calm wilds of third eye silence
Swirling wolf hairs in the eddies
Scribing the earth for you
In river to sea words

Now read the parts of you
You thought were gone
The ones that fell out of this world
And reunite in this other you become
Something you cannot teach touch express

Its how the bear’s dream in hibernation
Passes through the earth
In ritual energy
Scales of bone
Sound of planet
Until you disappear at the edge
Of a chanting memory

Presences pass through your sky mind
Giant shadow heads of trees
Winged beings land
At your cradle board

Their linear notes season your heart
“You’re called to see this so you will
Be what will help awaken earth’s people
Many will recognize you as one of their own
For others you’re a poem that drifts out of reach
Unable to fix linear meaning to the honey hive
Of your pollinated worlds”