Friday, November 03, 2006


The ancients developed the Bagua (energy map for enhancing life) in accordance with the universe and its energies. It was made by heaven, earth, wind, water, planets, animals, minerals and man all collaborating together in a world that conjured up to give all plenty.
This Bagua map is superimposed over your space as a life blue print. It is a holistic 9 grid map where we can see and work on particular facets of our life. This map is what I ask clients to work on before the actual consultation. To give deep thought and direction to these facets of our life makes all the difference between throwing our intentions to the wind and giving our intentions power - by being very clear and deliberate with them. When we map out our life with the Bagua (a multi layered written exercise with a final concise statement to be framed for reviews) we then correlate it to our space and anchor it there. This integral method is a powerful tool – it is our own unique expression and creation that works as a vibrational magnet to our energy. It is the law of the universe that we attract what we are vibrating though our space and intentions. The old saying “like attracts like” is true. We create our environment and our environment creates us.
The Bagua and Feng Shui in general can act as palate and canvass to consciousness. The shape and color of perception and perspective brings us what we will experience. As we move around the Feng Shui map superimposed over our space adding or moving images, objects and color we are setting our intention and our reminders to the internal creative power inside us. The Love and care we put into our environment reflects back to our own heart as a reminder to stay on the high path of Love and Kindness. Ones highest potential is living with their truth - vibrating in the unconditional state of love. All things flow from there.

Each of the Bagua’s nine grids or “Gua’s” relates to the different facets of our life. The center grid is Unity and Health. This correlates to the center of person and place.
We can look at our home, environment and universe as we look on the body, the heart being the center and unifying principle and form to all. It threads through our thoughts, words, action, and environment. The Hearth of yester year used to be the center of a home, where the family gathered to be stimulated by stories, retire to comfort, sustenance, learning and community. Our heart center is where we need to be vigilant at all times showing loving kindness to ourselves, our brothers and sisters, the earth and all living beings. This is the energy that brings us happiness, emotionally, and spiritually. What room or common area is in the center of your home? Let’s look at the energetic balance there. Stairways, long hallways, vacuous spaces, bathrooms, bedrooms and utility rooms will need extra Feng Shui care if they are in the center of your home - because of health and the unifying principles of your center grid. In broad general terms putting up images, objects and colors that reflect good health, unity and solidity (earth’s grounded ness) is the inherent wisdom. We want this area looking grounded, but vibrant utilizing the colors of the earth; yellow, tan, brown, gold, with added plants or fresh flowers. Images of mountains and pine trees add the solid grounding and evergreen freshness. These are just a few suggestions to be considered for this area of the home. In business the center grid makes a great location for conference rooms and meetings (when the inherent design allows.) As we look around us today we see much of humanity has lost its center and we are not grounded in health of mind, body or spirit, we are not unified in our human respect and dignity. Many positive and negative signs can be seen from the subconscious manifesting in our homes. Looking at our environment is looking in the mirror. What do you see in your home in the center grid of the 9? For a picture of the Bagua view it at a link on my website.