Thought and emotion are directly linked to the material world energetically – They create the physical world and reality perspective. They create patterns that are either positive or negative and transfer energetic imprints into form.
Many people have deep seated attachments to many things in their lives and homes. These attachments are energetically based and often unconscious making it difficult to break the pattern. We think of attachments as psychological, but they are energetic too as the mind and emotion carry different qualities of energy.
These attachments are often buried in the subconscious or drift around in foggy topical awareness. A close examination of our association with objects - thought and emotion -can reveal dysfunctional patterns in life – repeated cycles of dissatisfaction. Our intentions and progress dulled by hanging onto patterns that need change. For example the way we view the world, knowing it all, false ego identification, fear of change, lack of open mindedness using distractions to avoid exploring the inner world, creating pain and sickness as avoidance to internal issues.
Letting go of attachments that don’t serve us makes room for the present and the future and creates freedom within. It releases the past as patterns of thought, emotion, form (objects) and relationships. Letting go of things is letting go of parts of our reality, is this not true? Letting go of things is not letting go of our true identity; you are not your things. Our identity is our immortal soul, there’s no letting go of it anyway. As the world is going through rapid changes so should we, but we shouldn’t wait for the world to change first. The creative and independent thinkers, the “individuals”, who live the creative dynamic life without the restraints of old dysfunctional paradigms holding them in the past, are those who lead the world in change for better.
Sentimental old traditional paradigms are present in our home and life, the real meaning behind our holidays have been lost long ago – many people have attachments to the neurosis of family and extended family dynamics. We were wired in this way from the beginning and what have we done about it since? We hang in there to serve the family because that’s the way it’s always done. That’s fine if it serves us too or are we just the servant, playing the role of how others like to see us? Do we need healthy boundaries, more distance or better communication from the heart truth? Having expectations from people always leads to problems. Allowing others to live the way they want frees up our energy to empower ourselves, enabling us to be more effective in all situations. Family is usually represented in the home by image and object so what is the deeper meaning to us? Psychologically is it a healthy association? If not, consider what must be done with these objects that fortify a dysfunctional pattern. Our home is a reflection of our consciousness, our relationships, all of them, including past relationships. These things in our homes that are linked to old patterns can keep us from moving on. Reexamining our values, what has real meaning in our lives and what sustains our happiness – choices that ground us and balance us, these are the priorities.
Are we growing in Knowledge and Self-cultivation (Feng Shui/bagua) or was that just school time, former career or past accolades? Mind, body, spirit, emotion, unlikely we’ve got it all figured out, but then peace and happiness are keys to success - a vital gauge to our progress. We should always be in progress, but when we’re happy and peaceful what more do we need? More, more things…
Homes can be bloated with things that have been held onto for ages. They haven’t been examined beyond a passing thought or feeling. An undercurrent of frustration builds… as piles of the old and unnecessary builds, builds, builds. A lot of the STUFF that we are attached to is rooted deep in fear, safety and survival – life can’t be lived this way if it’s going to flow and its flowing fast – Those who resist are hurting themselves in many ways. What is the object’s real meaning in our life? What does it reflect? These are mirrors to our lives. What does the image on the wall tell you about what is going on in your life? We dance around each other in communication and dance around our stuff not seeing what it’s really saying about us. It’s talking to us all the time. How do we really feel about this object and what are we going to do about it? It’s not just stuff; it’s you, your energy, and your life. It has an impact on you. Your image on the wall can tell you your view of life. Is there real meaning here or another frivolous materialistic sentiment?
The meaning of our lives have just as much to do with what we are surrounded with and how we treat it, as it does with what’s going on inside us. Our home and environment has a direct visceral impact on us, everything counts, and it’s all vibrating. The more attention we give anything, the more energy flows there for good or bad for people, place and thing. Think of all the small aggravating issues in your home – cumulatively they are the frustration in your daily Feng Shui.
More isn’t better! Quality and meaning is better. Quality in how meaningful the object is to your life. The examined value of how it relates to your life. As the middle class and other classes lose their spending power in America they are forced to look at the material world we have been weaned on and subconsciously controlled by. We are forced to look a little closer at what we buy and why.
It was mostly just the art that traveled with my wife and me from home to home, a total of 11 homes in 15 years. Beyond the utilitarian needs, it’s the things that hold vital meaning which lifts our spirits, reflects who we presently are and where we’d like to be in life. Our home reflects our life perspective versus what others might think. A LIFE LIVED BY RELEASE AND RENEWAL, release of ego identification through materialism. A snake shedding its skin, shedding the old self, old material to make room for the new.
As an artist, I recently went through a shedding of 25 paintings - thrown in the trash and, unknown to me, recovered by locals and a flea market owner. The paintings that ended up in the flea market (also unknown to me) were purchased by a person who happened upon one of my art shows recognizing me as the same artist, who then asked me to exhibit my work in NYC - a good example of Release and Renewal.
Less is often more in Feng Shui. The 60,000 thoughts we have a day create our reality and create the multiple objects in our home. We might consider that a quieter more peaceful mind might reflect a more minimalist home. The multiplicity for the eye creates over stimulation, lacking the sacred nurturing space we need. A dull and muted environment can have the opposite effect and can use some bright or vibrant colors to enhance the vibration of place. It’s all a reflection of our personal energy; attachments, patterns and perspectives. A good Feng Shui Consultant sees, feels and reads the energy patterns and offers tools to implement balance and progress.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
My experience in Real Estate from a Feng Shui perspective is not all that different from a regular consultation, the approach is basically the same - treated holistically, but there are some vital pointers to consider listed below. I have traveled for 30 years never living in one place for longer than 2 1/2 years. This makes up for a lot of homes. I had 5 Feng Shui consultations on my homes before becoming a consultant myself. My wife is a Real Estate Manager and I have worked with agents as a consultant.
Feng Shui brings issues and potential rapidly to the surface, it brings imminent change into play quickly. One only needs to follow through, take care of the details, take it seriously and believe. Like anything else it is not a magic bullet, but when the subject is understood it can be a powerful tool for change. Something always happens with a consultation - change is guaranteed, and results are always different for everyone involved. From my perspective, it always works out for the home owner in one way or another. Examples would be a rapid sale or sale within 90 days, or a decision by the owner to take the home off the market because the Feng Shui consultation made them rethink and brought them harmony to stay. There can be a financial reason for staying put, but personal development occurs. The outcomes are not predicted, the energy of change takes much into consideration.
Feng Shui has been around for thousand of years - it is alive and well for good reason - it works, but it can't be treated like any other commodity. F.S. asks for expanded awareness and sensitivity to the big picture. What are we selling and what specific situation do we want to transpire? Ask the seller to respond in writing to these 3 questions; 1. What they want from this move/transaction? (Not just the amount of money.) 2. Why they want this move/transaction? 3. Why they will get it? (This is for their eyes only.) Intentions should be in the vicinity of the right home for the right person. A home that will serve the buyer as well as it did the owner. The home is alive with energy - thoughts and emotions are imprinted here. Nothing is covered up, it's all straight forward blessings to all concerned, a winning situation for all. The mindset of a heart related transaction activates the type of energy we need to facilitate positive change in person, place and thing (money.) Focus on the TRAVEL & HELPFUL PEOPLE section of the Bagua, (that's the front right corner room/area of your home and lot.) Freshen it with live energy or moving energy, plants, fish tank, clock, lava lamp, music etc. - activate the energy here. Try hanging an image of horses in movement. (This was the first mode of travel, and a pure primal energy.) Place the FOR SALE sign in right front corner of the lot if possible. Front door and entryways are important areas to address energy, calling the energy in and first
impressions; rid all clutter and congestion throughout the home if possible. Use at least a little of these colors in each room; white, green or blue, black or very dark color, one fiery color - red, orange, purple or pink, one earth color like brown, tan, gold or beige. Use more fiery colors in the Travel & Helpful People area.
The agent and seller need to minimize stress and anxiety. It does not help things to move forward. It sends the wrong energy into the home and the wrong message to the universe.
Feng Shui brings issues and potential rapidly to the surface, it brings imminent change into play quickly. One only needs to follow through, take care of the details, take it seriously and believe. Like anything else it is not a magic bullet, but when the subject is understood it can be a powerful tool for change. Something always happens with a consultation - change is guaranteed, and results are always different for everyone involved. From my perspective, it always works out for the home owner in one way or another. Examples would be a rapid sale or sale within 90 days, or a decision by the owner to take the home off the market because the Feng Shui consultation made them rethink and brought them harmony to stay. There can be a financial reason for staying put, but personal development occurs. The outcomes are not predicted, the energy of change takes much into consideration.
Feng Shui has been around for thousand of years - it is alive and well for good reason - it works, but it can't be treated like any other commodity. F.S. asks for expanded awareness and sensitivity to the big picture. What are we selling and what specific situation do we want to transpire? Ask the seller to respond in writing to these 3 questions; 1. What they want from this move/transaction? (Not just the amount of money.) 2. Why they want this move/transaction? 3. Why they will get it? (This is for their eyes only.) Intentions should be in the vicinity of the right home for the right person. A home that will serve the buyer as well as it did the owner. The home is alive with energy - thoughts and emotions are imprinted here. Nothing is covered up, it's all straight forward blessings to all concerned, a winning situation for all. The mindset of a heart related transaction activates the type of energy we need to facilitate positive change in person, place and thing (money.) Focus on the TRAVEL & HELPFUL PEOPLE section of the Bagua, (that's the front right corner room/area of your home and lot.) Freshen it with live energy or moving energy, plants, fish tank, clock, lava lamp, music etc. - activate the energy here. Try hanging an image of horses in movement. (This was the first mode of travel, and a pure primal energy.) Place the FOR SALE sign in right front corner of the lot if possible. Front door and entryways are important areas to address energy, calling the energy in and first
impressions; rid all clutter and congestion throughout the home if possible. Use at least a little of these colors in each room; white, green or blue, black or very dark color, one fiery color - red, orange, purple or pink, one earth color like brown, tan, gold or beige. Use more fiery colors in the Travel & Helpful People area.
The agent and seller need to minimize stress and anxiety. It does not help things to move forward. It sends the wrong energy into the home and the wrong message to the universe.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Tao and Zen of Qi Gong & Feng Shui
Qi Gong is often referred to as having Taoist origins. Taoist methods focus on improving and lengthening human life. Taoism is related and concerned with “The Way” which essentially means the natural way, the way of nature – inherent in man, earth and the cosmos. Qi Gong in all probability predates Taoism with Shamanism, man’s close spiritual religious communion with nature. Observing and communing with nature and spirit, and how to proceed with development of their energies that originate from the Divine source, helps man realize his fullest spiritual nature. Qi Gong has not changed in many ways from its primitive origins, as a way of cultivating energy, in a natural way. The mystery of the energy has yet to reveal itself comprehensively, but remains as it was understood thousands of years ago harnessing and developing energy through heaven and earth, body and spirit with its creation of healing abilities and peaceful states.
Taoism is essentially the first religion of China and its ancient revered text, the Tao Te Ching, is the most widely read literature in the world. It talks directly to these energies in metaphor and poetry.
I say the Zen of Qi Gong as a correlation to a state of being-ness in philosophy and conscious awareness. Spontaneous Qi Gong is the best of all worlds as it provides energy cultivation, meditation and self healing simultaneously. The Zen reference is to the scarcity and emptiness of form and thought in Spontaneous Qi Gong. Empty in a beneficial way, catharsis of baggage, emptying the self of redundant, extraneous or negative thought and emotion, emptying the self of tension, control, ego, self consciousness and fear. The emptiness allows one to engage in their natural self healing ability, in order to connect with the higher self in stillness or necessary spontaneous movement.
Zen in the concept that less is more- sensing the principle of oneness with all. Less is more – as in Feng Shui – riddance of clutter and congestion, opening up space to receive the new life, working through shapes and form.
In Spontaneous Qi Gong one becomes a Shaman in a sense by embodying the Qi through cultivation and finally given the abilities of transmission to pass Qi on to others.
Through myriad experiences encountered in Spontaneous Qi Gong the intellect is grasping and searching for reference and categorization like a left-brained logical summation of the invisible. Scientific breakdown and compartmentalization, the construction and deconstruction is something that can hardly be put under a microscope. Grasping the concept of Tao and Zen, is grasping the concept of spontaneous Qi Gong and deeper levels of Feng Shui. It is a gift to the person who is empty and open to receive that which is formless, and that which is cultivated without choreographed movement.
Cultivating energy with no/mind and without forms to learn is sometimes difficult for the Western mind to grasp. The Qi arises from the inside out in spontaneous movement. Just as reality is created from the inside out through thought and feeling perspective.
Qi Gong is often referred to as having Taoist origins. Taoist methods focus on improving and lengthening human life. Taoism is related and concerned with “The Way” which essentially means the natural way, the way of nature – inherent in man, earth and the cosmos. Qi Gong in all probability predates Taoism with Shamanism, man’s close spiritual religious communion with nature. Observing and communing with nature and spirit, and how to proceed with development of their energies that originate from the Divine source, helps man realize his fullest spiritual nature. Qi Gong has not changed in many ways from its primitive origins, as a way of cultivating energy, in a natural way. The mystery of the energy has yet to reveal itself comprehensively, but remains as it was understood thousands of years ago harnessing and developing energy through heaven and earth, body and spirit with its creation of healing abilities and peaceful states.
Taoism is essentially the first religion of China and its ancient revered text, the Tao Te Ching, is the most widely read literature in the world. It talks directly to these energies in metaphor and poetry.
I say the Zen of Qi Gong as a correlation to a state of being-ness in philosophy and conscious awareness. Spontaneous Qi Gong is the best of all worlds as it provides energy cultivation, meditation and self healing simultaneously. The Zen reference is to the scarcity and emptiness of form and thought in Spontaneous Qi Gong. Empty in a beneficial way, catharsis of baggage, emptying the self of redundant, extraneous or negative thought and emotion, emptying the self of tension, control, ego, self consciousness and fear. The emptiness allows one to engage in their natural self healing ability, in order to connect with the higher self in stillness or necessary spontaneous movement.
Zen in the concept that less is more- sensing the principle of oneness with all. Less is more – as in Feng Shui – riddance of clutter and congestion, opening up space to receive the new life, working through shapes and form.
In Spontaneous Qi Gong one becomes a Shaman in a sense by embodying the Qi through cultivation and finally given the abilities of transmission to pass Qi on to others.
Through myriad experiences encountered in Spontaneous Qi Gong the intellect is grasping and searching for reference and categorization like a left-brained logical summation of the invisible. Scientific breakdown and compartmentalization, the construction and deconstruction is something that can hardly be put under a microscope. Grasping the concept of Tao and Zen, is grasping the concept of spontaneous Qi Gong and deeper levels of Feng Shui. It is a gift to the person who is empty and open to receive that which is formless, and that which is cultivated without choreographed movement.
Cultivating energy with no/mind and without forms to learn is sometimes difficult for the Western mind to grasp. The Qi arises from the inside out in spontaneous movement. Just as reality is created from the inside out through thought and feeling perspective.
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